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dc.creatorWilliams, Lauren 2022
dc.description.abstractThis project consists of two parts: the design and programming of a test to better map frequency response of a user's hearing; and the design of a device to process the results of that test into equalized soundwaves for the user. We have designed the test using wavelets as opposed to pulses or sinusoids, under the hypothesis that wavelets (which generate fewer high frequency characteristics) will allow for a more accurate hearing test. The test is ultimately intended to automatically electronically program a device, which will also be designed in the scope of this project, that will equalize sound signals. The equalizer of the hearing aid is the only part of the hearing aid that will be designed in the scope of the project (other parts of the hearing aid model will be acquired and assembled for the purpose of demonstration, but not substantially modified by us). Furthermore, the hearing aid model will not attempt to be made ear-sized, but we will only use components that (if a higher budget or Application Specific Integrated Circuits were available) could be a small enough size. The equalizer, composed of a bank of filters, will be kept analog because analog technology is faster and smaller than digital technology for these purposes. It will use programmable potentiometer integrated circuits to adjust the sound levels of different frequency ranges. The hearing test (which uses Morlet wavelets) has been validated according to: its spectral outputs; its comparison to existing literature; and its results when compared to other hearing tests. We were unable to use volunteers to validate the hearing test, so the only results used are my own. Due to this, the wavelet hypothesis cannot be fully researched or proven, but we expect that using wavelets in the hearing test instead of sinusoids would reduce a source of confusion among the test takers and produce moderately more accurate results, especially among test takers who do not have a trained ear. This would be because someone with musical training listening for a sinusoid tone at a particular frequency, is less likely to be distracted or confused by the tone’s higher frequency characteristics and should therefore be expected to respond similarly to the sinusoid- and wavelet- based tests. The significance of this research is twofold: the wavelet-based test, if found to be effective, should replace sinusoids or pulses as the standard hearing test; and the self-tuning hearing aid would make an improvement in quality of life, should this inspire a manufacturable and marketable product. The test can potentially be programmed into an app, such that the intended user could themselves assess the frequency response of their hearing and update the tuning of their hearing aids without frequent and expensive trips to an audiologist. Such technology does not exist on the market but could radically improve quality of life for those who cannot afford uniquely tuned hearing aids.
dc.subjecthearing test
dc.titleWavelet Based Spectrum Hearing Test and Equalizing Hearing Aid
dc.typeThesis & Computer Engineering Engineering Research Scholars Program
dc.contributor.committeeMemberMoreira-Tamayo, Oscar

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